The boys and girls reached Wisma Basel at 1.30 pm. Then, the Guards of Honor falled in and awaited the Guest of Honor, Rev. Tsen's arrival. Cpl Siah Boon Kiat was the parade commander, Cpl Daniel Fan the Color Bearer and Cpl Sweeney Ku the Color Sergeant. After uniform inspection. the Guard of Honor had a march-past round the parade square.
Then, the ceremony continued with a singspiration lead by Lt Alexander Liew. There was a live band playing the songs which were sung. After that Rev. Tsen shared a message with the Boys' and Girls' Brigade members. Then, a performances were presented by the BB and GB. The BB did first aid while GB did drill. The BB & GB both falled in according to squads to receive awards and promotion. The ceremony ended with a momento presentation to the GOH, Rev. Tsen.
Congratulations to those who were promoted. On the other hand, Captain Raymond encouraged those who were not promoted not to give up as they still have a chance to promoted in next year's Enrollment Sunday, provided that they do well in the upcoming Junior Camp next year.
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