
Sunday, March 23, 2008

Parade Meeting - 23rd March 2008

Today, most of the form 3 members were absent as they are having an Excel test on the incoming week. They were excused from turning up. L/Cpl Augustine was the parade commander today. He wasn't able to call out the command properly and everybody went fooling around. However, our captain had a uniform check with us. He checked for the boys who didn't wear proper mufti, he checked the belts, shoes and socks. NCO's were punished in a heavier way compared to non-NCO's. It was a long time since we last had such uniform check and most of the boys were not too concerned about this matter. If the uniform inspection is conducted regularly, the company's discipline will improve in no time.

After that, Captain Raymond had a briefing with the boys who are going to KK for PESTA 2008. He told us the do's and don'ts which we have to pay attention to. He also reminded us the things needed to be brought over to KK during the camp. Furthermore, he stated that he was worried of the band as the current condition isn't too encouraging. The drill wasn't too good neither. Well, let's wish all of us good luck so that we can present our best in the PESTA.

We had our drill practice after the briefing. The boys didn't know commands like "hormat ke kanan", "pandang kanan", "jadikan skuad" and "tukar haluan". It was a good opportunity to teach them those.

After that, we had our praise and worship session. Today is Easter Sunday and a very special programme was planned. Rev. James showed us the preview of "The Passion of Christ" through the LCD projector. The scene in which the prisoner was crucified was very scary. He told us that Jesus had undergone the same process. This showed that how much Jesus had sacrificed for us.
He added that Jesus passed away on Good Friday, and was resurrected after 3 days. This is why the following Sunday is called the Easter Sunday. He asked whether the members believe in the resurrection of Jesus. He showed us examples such as the invention of telephone by Alexander Graham Bell, which was initially considered impossible. He said: "If you can believe in such technologies, why not believe in the resurrection of Jesus?". We had a really great time with Rev. James during the praise and worship session. After that, we had some refreshments and another drill practice session.

This time the boys drilled slightly better. Corporal Siah tried the whole set command out and most of them were well done. However, there were some minor confusion in the command and Captain was there to help and solved his problems. After that, we falled out and went back home.

I hereby wish the PMR and SPM students who are going to sit for the Excel test which starts tomorrow good luck. Hope that all of you can pass with flying colours.

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