
Friday, April 4, 2008

Parade Meeting - 30th March 2008

Today the boys had a simple fall in. After that, we went into the classroom and had devotion. Next, we were told to carry our instruments into the activity room and have our band practice.
Mr Leong, our band instructor didn't come today. So, the practice was conducted by our band major. In overall, the band is not ready for the PESTA yet. They boys have to try their best in order to make the whole thing a success.

After that, we had our award classes. The awards are Campers Basic for year 1 and 2, Campers Advance for years 3 and 4 and citizenship for year 5. Campers basic was conducted by Captain Raymond, Campers Advance was taught by Sir Andrew and Citizenship was lead by Chaplain. The boys all had a very fun time learning the skills, especially those who took citizenship.

Then, the senior NCO's of BB and GB had a briefing session with our chaplain. Chaplain told us that the school had approved the chuch council's suggestion to bring the BB and GB members over to the church for their cocurricular activities on the coming Thursday. He was shocked when we told him that approximately 397 members are going over. After that, we made arrangements and distributed our jobs. The briefing was then ended.

After the briefing, Corporal Siah then moved out to the parking ground to see the boys drilling. Captain Raymond was the commander when he was being briefed. He was amazed when he saw the boys having improved tremendously. He wasn't able to call the commands accurately as he wasn't exposed to those beforehand. The members no longer have problems with tukar haluan and jadikan squad. If consistent practice is carried out and all the members have the spirit to drill well, i believe they can perform their best in the competition.

Next, we had a short guard of honor practice. The company will be having Enrolment Sunday in a fortnight's time. Captain taught the GB and BB the required movements during the ceremony. The parade commander and color party weren't decided as yet. We'll have to wait for the sergeants to decide.

After that, the boys falled out. Captain announced L/Cpl Augustine as the quartermaster of the company. He'll be in charge of the band room and the sale of accessories. He said that whoever wants to buy any equipments or badges can go to him and get the purchase form. Then, the boys went back home.

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